after death verdict of #Lanka hospital cardiologist
29-7-2017 after death verdict of Lanka hospital cardiologist the allow me to say human butchery since year 2005 MORE AFTER YEARS OF LEARNING S THINKING BY SELF-- RELEASED AND AFTER LISTENING TO DEATH VERDICT OF SUPPOSED CARDIOLOGIST OF SRI LANKA MY -lali-CONCLUSION IS THIS medicine man have many names- words - but no cure -but plenty of management MOTHODS till death do apart . They also Have created a new specialist called rhythm specialist OR namely---- ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGIST WHAT CAN THEY ??? NOTHING TAKE YOUR MONEY AND REMAINING WONDERFUL TIME DO- YES --PLENTY OF MESSING UP THAT WILL COST YOU A FORTUNE AND THE HEART MY GOODNESS WHAT A MIND BOGGLING WORD.WORDS BUT WHAT CAN THEY DO-- NOTHING Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm. Accelerated Junctional Rhythm. Asystole. Atrial Fibrillation. Atrial Flut...